I Need Volunteers

Thank you for submitting your volunteer opportunity!

We aim to review all new requests for volunteers within 5 working days, but during busy periods this may take up to 10. We will be in touch by email to confirm your details provided and the next step to share this information to our volunteer bank.

Kind regards,
The Do Something Good team

    Key Details

    Keep the title short and relevant to your volunteer role "Parks Engagement" or "Befriend Food shopper" or "Trustee"

    For Example: To join a bank of volunteers able to pick-up and deliver shopping to isolated and vulnerable adults across Ealing borough.

    Main Contact

    Location of activity or volunteer meeting point

    About the role

    For Example: Caring nature, Physically well, not needing to self-isolate at this time, Happy to travel around locally

    For Example: An existing DBS check, Access to a car

    We will phone you when we need shopping delivered in the area you live and let you know what is required.  If you are available that day, we will ask you to phone the person for whom shopping is required and let them know the time you will deliver the items. We ask that you put the shopping outside their door and then phone them to let them know it is there. Once completed, you will send us a copy of the receipt and we will reimburse you.


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    Your commitment to the volunteer

    Explain in detail your commitments to the volunteer for example, you will provide uniforms; equipment or initial training.

    To help us match your role with our volunteer bank

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    [group group-volunteers-required-other]

    Please enter the date you will contact successful applicants
