- Phone Number:07931 271 239
- Email Address:powerdayhooks@outlook.com
Powerday Hooks ABC
Powerday Hooks ABC
This information was added on 18/10/2023 and last updated on: 01/11/2023
Powerday Hooks Boxing ABC (formally Hooks Boxing ABC) is a tremendously successful, voluntary, sporting club connected to the London Borough Ealing and surrounding communities, whilst being a member of the National Governing Body England Boxing and proudly work across and with all genders and ethnic sections of the community.
Powerday Hooks Boxing ABC was formed out of a need displayed and the evident demand for the sport of boxing by a number of young people from Ealing, the project has been delivered though the generous support of Mick and Ed Crossan of Powerday who have under-pinned and financed the re-furbishment, with some investment from the Local Ward Forums.
We attract a majority of Young Ealing people and adjacent areas of high deprivation, with a majority of residents from diverse ethnic backgrounds facing in-equalities in health and sporting provision. A large number of our members and casual users come from these two specific demographic groups who are socio-economically challenged. As a voluntary community sport provider we are aware of the London Borough of Ealing’s targets and needs, our positive outcomes and achievements have been reflected through the Ealing Joint Strategic Needs Analysis and we are basing our engagement and interaction, throughout the community, on their findings of improving ‘Health, Well Being and Seeking to Help the Reduction of Crime’, through our Pro-Active interventions and out-reach projects.
Powerday Hooks ABC, 210 Popes Lane, London W5 4NB, UK