Perivale: St Nicholas – Community Theology Thursdays

Ongoing Project

We want to broaden access to critical thinking about spirituality by creating safe spaces where the local community can listen to excellent speakers and make their minds up for themselves.

Community Theology Thursdays will explore challenging and controversial issues from our shared histories, or our lived experiences that impact our life together, today.

You do not need to subscribe to a particular faith to discuss what are human, ethical issues that impact our communities. We want to hear a range of voices and we will be centring the voices of those communities that have been directly impacted or affected

This year, we are beginning with a powerful series entitled “Jesus and Recommendation 32”, which addresses how Christian theology has historically been misused to dehumanise African peoples and demonise their traditional beliefs and practices.

This has been core to the creation of modern racism and particularly ‘anti-blackness’ supported by ideologies of white supremacy. This series of talks asks, what role has the misuse of abrahamic and Christian theology played in the creation of this phenomena.

This project/ series of talks is ultimately about promoting truth, awareness, reconciliation and liberation. It aims to promote community cohesion and understanding by grasping the thorny issues of our past and bring them into the present, in living colour, so we can collectively process them and move forward.

It is about moving away from the pretense that the current global caste system that we have all grown up in, and with –  will always be…

It challenges the notion that there is nothing WE can do about XYZ.

The discussions give space for a frank discussion about the ideological misuse and abuse of religious teachings, that were then exported around the world to assist in the oppression of global majority communities. We think it is an important opportunity to make sense of the world around us, today.

It is hoped that those who attend will come away with information, reflections and relationships that help liberate us all from ‘mental slavery’ and help us to become more alert to these forms of spiritual dehumanisation as they continue to exist within our own various communities and religious traditions.

These talks are being shared here because they are not primarily a conversation about deity…  but about how toxic human ideas, culture, institutions and power can exploit religion and come together and create intractable examples of generational horror…

It is a space in which we can consider what we as members of our own diverse communities could choose to do, now, to intervene, interrupt and prevent this kind of ‘present’, for future generations.

Please do check out our website for more details, or to book your seat click here.

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How you can help

We are looking for volunteers in hope, who are happy to share flyers, promote, invite, promote and support the event as community learning. Please do share with people in the community who may be affected or interested. All are welcome!  

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