Light Foundations

Light Foundations

This information was added on 15/09/2022 and last updated on: 18/01/2023

Light Foundations is a non-profit organisation that was established in 2012 dedicated to positively impacting the lives of our community members by providing support for prevalent issues such as mental health and employability. Through our partnerships with local jobcentres, the DWP, Ealing Council, employment agencies and other trusted organisations, we actively help our beneficiaries develop the skills needed to acquire discipline, confidence, tackle their traumas, maximize their education and significantly improve their chances of securing long-term employment in a career field of their preference. We aim to provide an authentic space in which they can develop personally and professionally while also building lifelong support systems. With our foundational network these individuals will have access to an array of opportunities that can be used as a springboard into a more integrated and fulfilled life. The services we provide encompass employment and business orientated skills training, one-on-one mentorship support, accredited ESOL qualifications, and provision of devices and food vouchers if needed. We hope that every individual that we support feels renewed and confident enough to be able to take part in their community and further build relationships with other people which in turn further improves the social value of our wider community.

Lido Centre, 63 Mattock Lane, Ealing, London W13 9LA

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