- Email Address:volunteer@pitshanger.org.uk
Completed Project
Project Date(s): June 2018 to July 2018
Party in the Park is the Pitshanger Community Association’s main Summer community event and a great day out. It is also our main fund raiser that we can then divert to other local organisations and causes. This event is run entirely by voluntary resources. We’d love if it people would be prepared to give up some of their time to help get the event going set-up and taken down over the weekend, or even just come and sell programmes, marshall people going on our Victoria carousel or help sell a few raffle tickets. Please email volunteer@pitshanger.org.uk.
This event has lots of offer for a very modest entry of £3 per adult, free for kids. The actual event starts a at 1pm with a full programme on the Open Air Stage enjoying music and dance acts by local schools and other groups and continues into the evening with live music in the beer tent.
Hunger and thirst are kept at bay by the Gastrodome, where local restauranteurs vie for your custom offering a range of BBQ, Hog Roast, Pimms, Strawberries & Cream and Asian and many other cuisines. Browse in the Village Fayre with stalls offering everything from arts, crafts, plants, cakes, home made goods and many other activities – we also have sporting activities. Other regular attractions include a magnificent Carousel and the Arena which plays host to a variety of fun activities including a dog show. People bring picnics and their family and enjoy entertainment on hopefully a sunny July afternoon. And finally, buy raffle tickets and have a chance of the £500 cash prize!
Pitshanger Park